Tuesday, July 14, 2009


From a top 10 records of 2008 list I meant to finish but realized this record wasn't from 2008 so I stopped but I liked this one so I kept it.

Paavoharju - Yha hamaraa

"I can't say enough about this record. It's like finding something, like a picture or old film after a huge snowstorm next to a factory that used to make other, smaller factories, except it was deemed useless and shut down and now it's a place for huge snowstorms to happen. Also it's right next to the Baltic Sea, so everything's that special sort of Northern-European frozen that makes you think of national loneliness. Anyway, you take whatever you find back to your bright white apartment and for the next week, strange but not unimaginable things happen, and for the rest of your life, you're never sure if those things happened because weird things happen all the time, or because of what you found in the snow that day. It's spooky, infectious, welcoming, and terrifying."

I'm not sure either.

Also, I think I might like gin and tonics a little too much. It's not my fault that I used to drink tonic water and lime juice during the summers before, and gin just introduces a freshly-sliced-greenwood flavor that just tops the whole thing off marvelously. It's pretty much the perfect drink for hot night time-wasting.

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